Design Patterns : Factory

Well as it’s name suggests , the factory design pattern is a fancy and efficient method for creating objects, some use case of it is if your application is going to change the process of object creation , or you want to hide the process of object creation “the new keyword basically ” .

this particular pattern introduces the concept of “loose coupling” between classes , this is done by programming using abstract entities, hiding the concrete implementation to make the application more flexible and less fragile .

no more talk , let’s get to the implementation .

first let’s describe a problem :

we are designing a video game , and at some point we need to create a lot of different types of enemies for our hero so to facilitate the process of enemies creation , we create an abstract Enemy class and then specefic enemy classes , then we create a “Factory” class to generate the objects , something kind of like this :

First of all we create an enum, to keep track of enemy types

public enum EnemyType {

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then we create the Abstract Enemy class

public abstract class Enemy {
private EnemyType enemyType;
public Enemy(EnemyType enemyType) {
this.enemyType = enemyType;
// this is for subclasses to implement
protected abstract void construct();
public EnemyType getType() {
return enemyType;
public void setType(EnemyType enemyType) {
this.enemyType = enemyType;

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and then we start implementing the subclasses of our Enemy class :

public class SmartEnemy extends Enemy {
public SmartEnemy() {
// you can do all kinds of stuff here i'm
// just keeping it simple and only printing a message to the console
protected void construct() {
System.out.println("creating the smart enemy object ");

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public class SmallEnemy extends Enemy {
public SmallEnemy() {
protected void construct() {
System.out.println("creating the smaall enemy object ");

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the BigEnemy class is just the same as the others .

now to create the Factory objects, in our case the object creation will depend on it’s Type

if a SmallEnemy type passed to the factory it will create a new SmallEnemy Object .

Something that looks a bit like this

public class EnemyFactory {
public static Enemy create(EnemyType enemyType) {
Enemy enemy = null;
switch (enemyType) {
enemy = new SmallEnemy();
enemy = new SmartEnemy();
// throw some kind of exception
throw new RuntimeException("the given enemy type does not existe ");
return enemy;

testing it is quite simple . you can add other kind of enemy types easily now  .

here are some other benefits of the factory design pattern (which i didn’t know , i googled it while writing this blog-post :p ) :

  • Allows you to hide implementation of an application  (the core interfaces that make up your application)
  • Allows you to easily test the seam of an application (that is to mock/stub) certain parts of your application so you can build and test the other parts

there you have it folks . the factory design pattern . Happy Coding …




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